Our Mission at Logbook Checker Australia
At Logbook Checker, we understand the frustration that goes on in the lives of Aussie truck drivers on the road. Finishing off a long day and remembering your driving log entries can be very time-consuming! The good news is that this is no longer a problem for you because at Logbook Checker Australia, we’re committed to ensuring that we have designed a user-friendly application for all Australian truck drivers! We want you to feel good about using the app and continually invest in this application so that we can bring more innovative solutions and ideas to life!
Made in Australia for Australian truck drivers!
The man behind this innovative application is Ivan, and he started his early career working in the trucking and programming industry! He was passionate about creating a solution that helped everyday hardworking Aussie truck drivers avoid a hefty logbook fine if they weren’t logging their driving stats correctly or taking their breaks on time.
In 2011 he decided to bring the Logbook Checker app to life and released it on Google Play and iOS devices.
It took a lot of research and constant testing to ensure this app was one of the best!

Using Logbook Checker Is Easy!
Logbook Checker was created to ensure a seamless and easy-to-use process when users are operating the application. The benefit of the app itself is that there is a wide range of resources, tutorials and guides available on the site to access the tutorials everywhere you go!
Contact Us
Business Hours
Email and Facebook Messenger
24/7 Online Support
Payment Options
Apple Pay | Google Wallet